News & Musings for Lou Cove and Man of the Year

Why artists are essential workers — and how we can help them

You don’t have to be a connoisseur of culture to recognize the truth behind author Toni Morrison’s maxim that it is at dire times like these when artists must go to work.

“There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear…That is how civilizations heal,” Morrison wrote.

Indeed, creatives are some of the busiest people in this moment of lockdown. They are helping us weather a prolonged storm in innumerable ways. Artists entertain and distract us, empathize with and educate us, help us reflect and commiserate and open our hearts, reconnect with beauty, process the unthinkable, remind us to smile, help us to cry, capture the essential Jewish nature of these moments…

Continued @ The Forward:
